Highly recommended:
Bakerzin's Couple Cheesecake!!

1. Because she’s always there in her room which means that she’s always available whenever I need her..hehehhe..
2. She has everything I need…hair dryer..mosquito repellants..tissue..instant noodles..hair serum...eating bowl...spoons…DVDs…everything! Heheheh…I guess I’m quite some snag for Intan actually..;p
3. She’s the only one who always asks seriously about my assignments and reminds me to study not sleep…she always says.."Come on Diana..you can do it!!”…so sweet…
4. She has this kiddy voice that I usually make fun of hehehehhe…
5. Being a lazybumsleepinghead…Intan is there as my alarm…thank you for waking me up all these times Intan…
6. She’s sooooo updated with Hollywood gossips and fashion trends which for sure I’m also interested in huehehhehe…we can chat all night long just talking about these so-not-important things…
7. We share the same style for clothes…we even have some stuffs (shirt, jeans, etc.) which are exactly the same…
8. She’s a really nice girl to chat with…a mixture of stupidity smartness and serious conversations…
9. She’s really cute when she’s in her photographer-wannabe mode…
10. We have 3 must-see shops in any shopping centers…Zara, Mango and Topshop hihihihihi….
Haaa…this list can go on and on…and Intan will be overflattered with it heheheh…so rather than just reading this post, COME BACK HERE YA LIL KID…need your instant noodles for my hungry stomach hehehehhe…1. Well, honestly speaking…because she’s so annoying!! Hehehehhe…seriously, I miss her for that heheheheh…
2. I like to see her shop coz she has this peculiar standards that takes her a loooooong time in deciding whether to buy or not…usually it ends up in her not buying any…hahahahah…
3. We really like to spend our time watching E! Channel and other similar junk-hollywood news…haaa…really miss those times when she stays over at my house and watch TV till morning just yawning and watching and yawning and watching…I guess that’s how we relax our mind hehehehhe…..
4. Because she’s very straight-forward when speaking up her thoughts..I like her honesty…it doesn’t get me puzzled in guessing what’s on her mind…
5. Because we love Lindsay Lohan both her movies and songs hehehehhe….
6. Because she’s very different that we both often have opposing views in seeing things…interesting…
7. Because she’s just adorable in her own way…
8. Because she always sends me sweet messages even when I'm here in KL...:'(
9. Because I am indirectly her personal driver…daym you DINAAAAAAA muahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahah…miss ya sooooooo!!!!
We obviously know that it’s very difficult in saying “This is my design! Don’t copy my design!”...go ahead and shriek at those copycats...they’ll just smile and say..”It’s life dude..we all need a living”...baah...it happened to me several times yet I’m not even a real nor professional artist...
Anyway..the Bitten newly fashion line got some pros and contras going on...some say, “How can Bitten’s stuff be so cheap? Are they underpaying their workers?”...Well, this was an interesting issue going on...but come on, get real...don’t just ask those questions to Sarah Jessica Parker...ask them to all brands!! Premium-price stuffs or so-called popular brands do deserve such questions anyway..we never know..and it is so unfair for the has-been SJP to receive all these offensive questions...maybe she’s truly doing a good deed after all...
BUT...maybe...how their stuffs are so cheap (which if I’m not mistaken everything’s below $20)..is that in the end they actually don’t have a proper designer..I mean...they don’t really design and do all those trial-and-error sketch and mock-ups which are without doubt incredibly costly nor require SJP in pumping up those brains to think and design..they just...PLAGIARIZE! muahahah...
Well, again, the boundaries of whose design this is or who came up with that style at first is quite vague..just like cars, reverse engineering is in fact allowed...quite sad in my opinion...but wouldn’t it be a bit awkward for SJP to actually do so? I mean...if I was her, I would really prioritize my pride ahead then think twice about running such business..I know what she’s trying to do...she wants to give opportunities to people who can’t afford high-end brands to still look fashionable and trendy yet in a much affordable way...but...hah..i dunno...it’s a bit confusing...I just don’t like to see the view of many brands having the same design...(for your information, Vincci and Nose often fakes Nine West stuffs huehehhe I’ve been noticing that for a long time here in KL)...
Below is Bitten’s foldover bag for just $9.98 (right)...replicating Anna Corinna’s mini city tote which is $360 (left)... I know people can tell which one’s more “original” and leather-made...but just look at it..why can’t SJP just design her own stuffs....
Hehehehe....these are some new stuffs I like from Topshop...I think I'm gonna save some money to get one of those sunglasses and also probably a pair of flats...yippiiieeee....
If I can be spending hours and hours in front of my laptop just browsing the internet..well Sharjeel is even waaaay better at that...but instead of looking at fashion and gossip pages... its on CARS and motorsports or whatever you call it...and his most loved website; PAKWHEELS.com...if only their government banned that website, i wud probably be laughing at Sharjeel crying over it muahahahhahaha...
About 2 days ago he told me about this t-shirt design competition thingy...and with his reverse psychology (lovely) eyes he implicitly asked me to help him on this...so here it was, a collaboration between a fashionista and a motorfreak...lol....it was a quick work...just like 2-4 hours hehehhe...don't know how's it gonna be...anyways I hope they like it...
After doing a loooooooooonnngg and lot of thinking of whether to spend almost half of my monthly allowance on just a, you know, a dress...i finally made up my mind and decided "Yes!! I will buy the Kate Moss dress.....woohooooooooooooooo..!!" hihihi...so yeah, finally got it from Wan Utama...was the last 2 piece of my size...my luck...AAAARHHHH I'm so happy....:) gonna be eating indonesian fried rice for the remaining two weeks though to cover up hehehhehe...
Yayy!! I finally have my own personal plectrum necklace!! Even though it’s not the one from Tatty Devine, Diva’s is fine enough for me having the fact that they have the shop here in KL heheheheh…unfortunately they only have the black-colored one while Tatty Devine offers sooo many colors that I would love to collect all of em hihihi....but anyways it's ok, I'm happy enough that for sure I am gonna wear it often...;p
If my lover was an alien, I would even wait for ten years just to see him pass by in the sky in his UFO hehehhe (umm…that’s a weird metaphor..lol)…
Happy 6 months anniversary my Sharjeel…
As an anniversary gift, he took me for dinner at Tony Roma’s and had some juicy bountiful ribs and chicken wings…plus he gave me this adorable jelly beans jar and a cool tire-like clock…haaaa….i’m really sorry for not giving you anything (don’t worry…your Jakarta trip will be on me I guess heheh..
This was quite some time ago during Sharjeel's birthday...we were gonna have dinner at Nong & Jimmy's but popped in at McD for a while since we felt it was too early for some big lip-smacking dinner...we only had 1 regular cup of Coke there, shared by the 4 of us credits to Intan who generously bought it hehehe (if not we wud’ve probably got thrown outside lol)…
We winded up taking stupid pics there with Intan coming up with the idea...here we were...chipping in McD's look-alike contest (yeah rite) hehehhe...
I’ve read many articles on some women not willing to dress in colored-pants…they say, never sport a pair of jeans that is not in “the” list..you know, they only go for the basic blue, black, brown, grey and white (…which for me ‘white’ is in fact more of the no-no…;p). Even though it seems kinda hip now to wear bright vivid colors for our dearest legs..for some it’s still a big thumbs down…
Me? Oh no…I would LOVE to wear colored jeans muahahahhaha….no boundaries in fashion dude!! Just amuse yourself with colors…trust me, it’s not about what color you’re wearing…but about how you pair it with a proper top and accessories….hihih…I’m currently still looking for a rich violet-colored one…haven’t found any...:(
anyhow, here are some of my newly colored-pants collection hehehhe…:)
(Rich Red - jeans - slim fit - Mango)
(Baby Pink - stretch cotton - slim fit - Mango)
(Sandwash Purple - corduroy - bootcut - Unionbay)
(Faded Purple - jeans - skinny fit - No Brand)
![]() | blogger addicted por UsuárioCompulsivo original Washed Denim por Darren Delaye |