Initiated by the full-of-ideas girl Tyaz (currently she got a new nickname; TZ hehehe), Dini and I, and of course, Tyaz herself, went to Sunway Lagoon Theme Park on last saturday. We were planning for the water park actually, but Tyaz got her period hehehhe so we decided to just go on the (dry) rides. I think the theme park was way better compared to Genting's...the rides were more fun, thrilling, or maybe the Genting experience was just too awful for me (due to some personal reasons) that it affected my perception towards the Genting themepark itself. Hhm...anyway, back to Sunway, we had much fun there. Mostly I liked the ship that rotated 360 we were actually spinning round and round hehehhe....woah that was awesome muahahhaha..then the roller coaster...was....okay...not scary at all...and if you see in the pic below, i was sitting a l o n e ...not only on that particular ride, but on all of the rides...tyaz and dini just wanted to be together, so i'm like...go ahead...hehehhe...i'm not scared of these things anyway...
the above pic was taken by the people there...they sold it for RM15...way expensive, but we thought it was really hillarious that we just wanted to have it, and everyone puts in RM5 so it shouldn't be that expensive ritey? look at Tyaz in the pic...she's like...err...Princess Xena or sumthin hahhahah...the hair...the heroic kinda like hehhehe...i can't stop giggling staring at this pic...
After all the rides and sweaaatt, we visited the Stone Museum to chill coz it was really sunny that day...i didn't really understand the beauty of the stones they displayed there...was just like stones i see everyday hehhehehe....

Then....errrr....i wanted to try the sling shoooottt!! haaaa...i just loooveee those extreme kinda things...last time i went for bungee jumping in Bali...and this time, i have to try this one! a must! Tyaz and Dini wasn't interested at all though...Dini has phobia of height...while Tyaz was just not interested hehehehe....well, it was kinda costly..RM50 for one try...but what the heck, it's like once in a while, besides, in Bali it's much more expensive. So i triiieeedd, but because there has to be 2 person on the ball, the employee joined me hehehhe...he was nice.

My opinion on the sling shot?? Nootthhiiiiinnnggg...hehehehe....seriously, it feels that you're just jumping soooo high that you're touching the sky...i kept on laughing while i was on top..felt sooo free...hhhmmm..nice nice nice.....i still think that bungee jumping is the really needs our guts to jump you know....
well well well, that was the last thing we did there...after that, we changed shirts in the toilet coz of all the sweat...did a bit shopping inside the mall...and headed was a nice day....exhausting, but nice...thank u dini for driving us hehhehehehe.....