When it comes to breaking fast in Ramadhan, it's natural to see everyone eating like anything crazy. Eating like crazy, is no surprisingly also happening to Sharjeel. Interested in the Ramadhan Buffet offered by McDonald's, Sharjeel and I together with Tyaz headed to McDonald's today. And ooohh yeah, Sharjeel finished 3 burgers in nearly 10 minutes. My oh my, 3 burgers equals the size of triplets inside his tummy huehehhe...I enjoyed the foods there. It's like, McDonald's, and you can order anything... huwaaaa...yum...yummy yummy junk food huehehe...;p We ate a lot.
Ramadhan Fever
A Warm Dinner
Last week, my friends and I went to KLCC for dinner...initially we were planning to eat at Chilli's...but since the waiting list was like 2 pages of unseated people, we then decided to move to California Pizza Kitchen...generally, the food we ordered was around pepperoni pizza, pennes and raviolis...and..WOW! The food was awesome!! The pizza was the best..thin, light and crispy..the best after Red Tomato..
Anyways, I was really happy to have dinner with friends I love the most here in Malaysia...Intan, Tina, Tyaz, Ari, and of course, the yucky Sharjeel..hmm.. such a nice feeling to be surrounded by those who you care and care about you...I am seriously gonna miss them a lot....love you guys....so much...:)
Color Me Nails
I've been spotting the nail polished trend from a long time ago, but never really had the thought of applying it to myself. Olsens, Hillary, and Lindsay are ones who I often see to be well nail polished in various striking colors..
Well...here I was in Watsons with Intan looking at cheap nail polishers..and I was like..."hmm...this pink one is cute..why don't I give it a try?" So I decided to buy one from Sally Hansen...results? The nail polisher was affordable, yet satisfying at quality. The rich texture of the polisher gives a thin yet solid coating..very good...:) I wanna wear nail polishers from now one..polished nails just gives an impression of how detail a person can be when it comes to appearance...yay! Thanks to Intan for inspiring me as well hehehhe....
Handdrawn-Like Necklaces
Finally, i get the chance to post on my personal blog as I have been more into my new blog lately...my new blog has been putting up some wide smiles on my face coz of the good responses from the viewers...hihihi...:)
Btw, I don't have much to say...I'm still on my lazy mood..kinda reluctant to apply for jobs currently...I just want to relax my mind and try to prepare myself well enough for interviews..prepare = practice my communication skills, learn how to put on proper make-up and hair-do, enrich my vocabulary of smart answers, and buy new office clothes yaaayyyyyy hehehehhe....
I found this new shop in Etsy.com, and I was so happily surprised to see their products...very...different...i want these neckalces...huh...Sharjeel?
Interview With The Vampire
Yesterday Sharjeel had an interview for this company located in Singapore...I won't talk about the content of the interview though here as it is Sharjeel's privacy...it's just that he (Sharjeel) looked so nice that I couldn't stop taking pics of him while waiting for the director to come..hehehe..this one is my fav pic...:)
The interview took place in Federal Hotel...I was suffering from hunger while waiting coz it was at this time when we should be breaking our fast hehhehe....anyway, we then had a nice dinner in Nando's...haaa...tummy yucky Sharjeel!
Colors of Happiness
Here I am...browsing some stuffs over the internet...well, what can I do...I have (alhamdulillah ya Allah) finished and submitted my final dissertation..I am now jobless, people! Jobless! Hehehe....So most probably my current activity will be conducting analyses on things I term as..mmm...cute stuffs... heheheh..I won't call it shopping, coz hey, I'm not buying them hehehhe..I'm just enjoying the views of how cute some stuffs can be...haaa...they brighten up my day hehehehhe....
Firstly, I found these cool bracelets in Net-A-Porter.com....
Moving on...sunglasses...haaa...I love these specs from Urban Outfitter...:)

I refer jackets as the-BAM....it's like..you slip on a shirt and jeans..add a jacket..bam, styloooo...heheheh....I want these color printed jackets...not because they're kinda in nowadays....but coz they look like art on fabric.... yum yum....starting from the pop art to vintage to retro...they really look artistic you know...want theeeessee...!
Colorful jacket...pairs with colorful shoes hehhehehe....neah, should just stress on one of em...too much colors ain't good, aight? anyway, I like these 2 shoes from Nike and Vans...for the girly look, I like the purple top and pink ruffled skirt from Urban Outfitter (again)...cutie....

Finally, ending the colorful day would be to sleep on your colorful bed hehehhe....found them again in Urban Outfitter.com...haaaa...it's so unique....the print's like those old wooden dolls which I don't know what they're called hehhehe...hhmmm.....time to sleep now...adios...zzz....

Candy Girl
From months ago I've been having (and wearing) my Blow Pop t-shirt...it's one of my favorite firstly coz it's from Junk Food, and secondly coz of the candy brand design....I love candies!! heheheh...but anyhow, I just know that Blow Pops are candies without having any knowledge on how the
candies are actually like...until yesterday!! hahaha...I finally found the candies in KLCC...bought one pack...and I like em! hehehhe...yayyy! :)
New Picks
Okay...I've been kinda (well, very) tired of working on my dissertation...as usual, at times like these, the best thing to do is to revitalize myself by shopping...hehheheh.... tomorrow I'm planning to go to MidValley with Intan, Kiki and Steffi...so before I go, at least i can do some window-shopping on the internet first...;p it's call... "preparation" hehehhe....
Below are my new random picks...From Dotti, i really like the floral sling bag and denim flats...but sigh....they aren't available here in Malaysia...
Same goes to American Apparel...wish I had someone there in US who can get me their stuffs..i love their colorful leggings..and the tight skirts...reminds me of Ashley's...and i also like the geeky glasses...heheheh...
These shoes are some from Gap, some from Piperlime which is (I think) in line with Gap....ooohhh I love love love those men-like shoes....haaaa where to get those here in KL...oh yeah, I also want the plain black suede flats...simple, yet a killer...hehhehe.....
Lastly, my favorite shop..Topshop...I think I will definitely go for the necklace and sequin hat....A MUST!! heheh..hope I can find it tomorrow....:)
Check It Out !!!
Hello guys...I've started a new blog called THE NOTTI LOOK..basically I'm just taking pics of Nottingham students which I find quite attractive in their (fashion wise) appearance...ch ch ch ch check it out!! :) hehehhe...
Every End Is Just A New Beginning
Well, I can say that I have (almost) finished my masters...woah...even though this course only took me 1 year...but hell yeah, I've been working really hard..literally....my brain felt like burning... over-heated...anyways, I'm very happy and satisfied with it...hhmmm...just thinking what to do next...work? get married? and errr...where to head? sigh...so many things to think about...and yes, it it one of the most essential turning points of my life...
My classmates were not that cool actually...but anyhow, I still love and care about them that I'm for sure gonna miss them a lot...it's been a very great experience knowing people from other countries... seriously it has broaden my way of thinking and make me appreciate people from other parts of the world.....
haaa...what a wonderful journey....thank you Allah....i feel very blessed...:) i'm not trying to brag about me being a master...but i do admit that I am very proud to be one...i hope i can attain a Phd. degree someday.... insya Allah...hope my husband will be rich enough to support my plan huehehhehehe....
If Lindsay, Nicole and Paris have always been the hot issue of DUIs...I'm here talking about DIY...hehehhe...duh, like that's funny, Diana...
Well, since I was in the elementary school, I've always been making stuffs by myself...accesories...purses...then hair bands...frames...name it!! My last DIY stuff was this skull brooch...made it a few months ago...but yeah, just wanted to post about it...I don't wear it often though coz I'm just scared that it's gonna get ruined or something...well, our own made stuffs are sometimes too precious coz they reflect our hard work, our very own masterpiece no matter how ugly it turns out to be hehehhe...
For this skull brooch, I used a thick fabric (which is actually a belt), glitter glue, glue, pins, ribbon, and beads...and indeed, it was very easy to make :)
I'm In The Band
Hehehe....I dunno why I'm always into guitars..bands...so even though I've been trying very hard to work on my feminine look...my inner part always go for band t-shirts...i just love them....the kinda washed vintage ones...or any kinds...I don't have a lot of band t-shirts though...just got a few which I think is my most worn shirts hehehe...below are some of mine which I almost wear every week...they just look cool when matched with any bottoms or bags and shoes...they just save my day heheheh...
Sistas In Da House

To Our Beloved Talha..
Happy Birthday...our prayers for you...:) The walnut brownies cake was very nice, and Sharjeel's best friends also came to uni...after having some chat..they all (the boys) then continued their nite to this beach in Kuantan (???) to watch the sunset...so romantic, guys... hehhehe...
Btw, I prefer Sany in those shorts rather in his formal attire...:)