Had Thai food for dinner at PIM today, and I couldn't resist stopping by at (X)SML due to the "End of Season Sale" sign they had on their shop window hehehe....I had my brain set pretty well, so I walked out with something I really needed instead of wanted...a denim vest...:)
I've been dying to have a vest like this....and the back(less) part very much completes my happiness....impeccable...:) and hey, it actually matches with my today's outfit!! :D
And all that I can see, is just another lemon tree.
Uno Stacko
Went out for dinner with my girlfriends and spent the whole night playing Uno Stacko at Coffee Bean hehehe....basically the dinner was to celebrate Dea's belated birthday....thanks for the treat, Dea!! :D
I wonder what's wrong with my outfit today because EVERYONE in the mall was staring at me top to bottom....
Btw, we also bought each of ourselves a fortune cookie...here were the messages we got hehehe....
Green Movement!
Being concerned towards the heart-breaking environmental issues happening to our earth...some office friends and I decided to play a part in a tree-planting program in Marunda, North Jakarta this morning...there were 2000 mangrove trees in total that we planted (of course, with much help from the fishermen residing near the area)....happyyyyyy!!! :)

Why is black never boring?
After 'consulting' with my lil' sis....I finally decided to pick up this black (faux) fur vest from Zara....finally....:)
Willy Wonka Minnetonka
I'm really into Minnetonka's moccasins but the only way for me to get them is by buying it online and I just hate having to pay shipping charges that are often even higher than the product price....
My ideal pair of Minnetonka moccasins would be the white ones like this image below... The good news, Promod now have moccasins!! Woohooo!! Though they are only available in brown, the perfect fringe and lace-up details are already tempting me to get them....:D --> a wide smile.
Runaway Shoemaker
Remember my post way back in June about my shoe plan and the so-called ‘reliable’ shoemaker I finally found? Well, she d i s a p p e a r e d. Probably gone with the wind, but definitely with my money. I’ve contacted her zillion times but no replies were ever received. H E L L O !!!???
Doing Doubles
Yayyyyyy!! A new skirt!!! Organza + satin, tailored in Pasar Mayestik....
This was my (ugly) sketch I gave to the tailor…
And this is the result…
Quote of the Day
"One of the hardest things in life is having words in your heart that you can't utter."
-James Earl Jones-
Swipe and Shop!
Aaahhh....a virtual credit card from K-Line hehehe.....thank you!! :) But please don't ask me to go swipe and shop for real...I've given my word to save more of my money this month (and yes, Sharjeel, you heard that just right :D)....
Btw, I actually don't have a credit card in real life, you know? Credit cards are one of those things I steer clear of forever in my life, as I would rather be flat broke but breathe merrily without any debts....other reasons; credits cards are addictive and makes us consumptive!! Swiping a card makes shopping too easy, and I’m extremely afraid that I might get carried away and have a huge amount of sum unpaid at the end…
Joyce from Kinky Blue Fairy
Devina from Roundabout a Pinapple Tree
Siewkwan from A Dork's Notion
Andita from Andita's Journal
Yayy! :D
Time for Some Black and White
The new SYRUP lace up cleat from Topshop....simply love at first sight.
I Say Hello Again to Zippers
As I've mentioned earlier in my previous post, I went out to Carrefour today..and look what I got! Hot pink shorts!! Hehehhe....I thought of adding some zippers on the sides to make it more going-out-appropriate...:D
And so I did!!! :) I guess my next project would be adding zippers to my SOCKS...yeahhhh!!
Grocery Shopping
It's a holiday today in Indonesia....:) Went out with mom to Carrefour to do our monthly grocery shopping..that's all....I look like a 13-year-old kid in this outfit...oh well...
Video Post #1: My Room!
A reader sent me a message about a week ago, asking me to make a post about my room...I'm actually quite shy about this, but I thought of giving it a try and as well make it into a video like how Camille from Childhood Flames has brilliantly done her vlog posts aka video blog posts....soooo, check it ouuttt!! Hope you enjoy! :)
Sun Day
Dina has been sleeping over at my place for 2 nights, and we've spending our 3 days together in Senayan City hahah...I guess Jakarta can be pretty boring at times....
Agathe from Style Bytes is back!! Woohooooo.....check her out here :)
Thanks to Helvetica for the info!! :D
My Controversial Teeth
Many people have come to me asking why I never show my teeth in the pictures. Some say it's cute, while some sees it as funny or even ugly. I'm not sure whether people will take this seriously or not, but I actually don't know how to pose with my teeth shown....:D If you track down all my pictures since I was a lil' kid, you'll end up seeing my pictures just like that...hehe...
So during Sharjeel's stay in Jakarta, we sort of like practiced my smile hehehe... he convinced me very very well that I look better smiling with teeth, even though I'm not used to looking at myself like that...but anyway, here it goes....at least I'm trying :D
Quote of The Day
Rising Star
I'm so desperate for printed leggings I just had to stick these star stickers I bought onto my purple legging hehehhe....
Stupid idea I know....but looks pretty good, right? Riigghhtt??? hehehe....Some stickers fell off while walking, but some managed to stay...next time I'll just try to buy stickers that have stronger adhesiveness...yay!
You Are Treasured In My Heart
4th day:
5th day:
After not seeing each other for 6 months, Sharjeel and I decided to take leave from office and have some quality time together...at first the plan was for me to visit him in KL, but after having other considerations in mind, Sharjeel was the one who visited me in Jakarta....:)
Our 5 days couldn't be any better, as everything felt so perfect having him by my side...even though we only spent most of our time shopping and eating, such ordinary activities feel very different when we share it with the person we love the most........it feels...complete.
But life goes on, as we have to hit back to reality and start working again tomorrow...so there he went, gone back to KL after such lovely 5 days....I'll miss you very much, my love....till we meet again :')
Any guesses?
1st day:
2nd day:
3rd day:
Btw, PLEASE note this. Sharjeel, IS a shopaholic hehehhe....3 shirts and 3 pairs of shoes in just 2 days of shopping...wow....(Sharjeel's justification: "Well, my mom told me, that everytime you find a shoe that comes with the size 44 or 45, which, is rare, just buy it")...:D